facility Announcements
UPDATED: 7/8/2021
New Mask Mandates, Maximum Capacity, and More!
Hello beloved Island Spa guests!
With new developments from the state of New Jersey regarding COVID-19 restrictions, the team at Island Spa & Sauna has been working around the clock to ensure that our spa remains as a haven for those seeking relaxation while balancing safety standards. We will still require the use of masks for all entities within the facility (with the exception of the restaurant, bathing area, & saunas), including but not limited to employees, customers, and/or guests. We believe that this course of action is best for the safety of all involved parties, but will continue to monitor the news for any future decisions.
Admission limits will be lifted & we will be returning to our standard maximum capacity
All sauna & tub capacities have been lifted
Back to our standardized sauna temperatures (with doors fully closed)
Masks are not required inside the saunas and bath house only
Additional furniture will be reintroduced into the facility
For additional information regarding New Jersey changes and mandates, please click the following link: Covid Information Hub
UPDATED: 7/12/2020
Experience rejuvenation again July 16th, 2020!
To our amazing guests,
We are so excited to announce that Island Spa & Sauna will be officially reopening on Thursday, July 16th. Unfortunately, our saunas will still be temporarily closed as per Health Department guidelines, but our team has been working around the clock to make sure guests can stay safe and still get the most of the Island Spa experience from the bathing area, services, and dining!
Please see the graphic below for the new guidelines.
Additionally, all admission passes expiring in 2020 will be accepted until the end of the year.
From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for sticking with us - together we will overcome.
UPDATED: 6/4/2020
Black Lives Matter & Pride Month
To our Island Family,
We have spent the last week trying to process the unjust and inhumane murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the countless other Black names, victims of police brutality.
As an immigrant-owned business, we want to acknowledge that while many of us cannot fully understand the experience of being Black in America, we stand with and support the Black community and will aid in the fight for an end to systematic racism. This includes supporting our guests and employees.
As we also move into Pride Month, we will continue our dedication to ensuring that Island Spa & Sauna is a safe space for all, especially for our Black guests and LGBTQ+ guests. We understand that it is not enough to simply be “not racist” or “not homophobic” or “not transphobic,” we need to be actively anti-racist and anti-discriminatory. Here are some changes we plan to make in order to uphold our promise of being a true home away from home where friends, families and individuals can find solace from the stress of everyday life.
We will be updating our training procedures for staff to include lessons on racial and cultural sensitivity and implicit bias. We will open up a dialogue with our staff to check on their needs.
Encouraging staff and guests to be involved in their local communities and to speak up and vote for what they believe in.
Sharing educational resources for our community.
We have made a donation to the American Civil Liberties Union of NJ (ACLU-NJ) to continue supporting the fight for civil rights across the state and beyond.
We all have a part to play in ensuring positive social change, and there can be no change if we stay silent. It is an intersectional struggle, and it is a movement, NOT a moment. When we empower the undermined in society, we are all lifted up as a result.
With love and light,
The Island Spa Team
UPDATED: 3/16/20
COVID-19 Closure
Dear Valued Guests,
Day by day our community and our country is learning more about COVID-19. Up until now we have made necessary changes in sanitation and operations according to the CDC guidelines to continue to provide a safe space for our guests. With the new growing cases and importance of self isolation we have decided it will be necessary and our duty to the community to help stop the spread by temporarily closing our doors effective March 16, 2020 at 4PM until further notice and will continue to provide updates on re-opening on our website and other platforms. While there have been no known reports of the virus in our facilities, and no employees have reported any symptoms, we are aware of how difficult this has been for everyone around the world. As a small business it was a difficult decision and we will be doing our best to care for our cherished employees during this time.
While you wait for us to invite you back into our home, we encourage everyone to practice social distancing and stay involved in the global fight against the spread of COVID-19. In the meantime, click here for our tips for dealing with any coronavirus anxiety and stress you may feel.
For more information regarding COVID-19, please visit a reputable source like cdc.gov. We urge everyone to stay safe and informed during this time, and hope to de-stress together at Island Spa & Sauna as a healthy and united community at its conclusion.
Island Spa & Sauna Management
아일랜드 스파&사우나를 찾아주시는 소중한 손님들께,
지금까지 저희는 손님들에게 안전한 공간을 제공하기 위해 CDC 지침에 따라 위생과 안전에 최선을 다해 왔습니다. 하지만 점점 더 많은 감염 사례와 자가 격리의 중요성이 증가함에 따라 저희는 2020년 3월 16일 오후 4시부로 일시적으로 문을 닫기로 결정하였습니다. 이는 손님과 직원들에게 바이러스의 확산을 막고 지역사회에 대한 저희들의 의무라 생각됩니다.
추후 영업 재개일이 결정되는대로 공지할 예정이오니 웹사이트나 다른 매체를 통하여 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.
다행히도 저희 시설에서는 바이러스에 대해 감염 되었다는 보고가 없으며 그에 대한 증상을 보고한 직원은 없지만 세계적으로 어려움을 겪고 있다는 것을 잘 알고 있습니다. 이 기간 동안 저희 시설을 위해 수고해 온 소중한 직원들을 돌보기 위해 최선을 다할 것입니다.
저희 시설이 다시 재개되기를 기다리시는 동안 모든 사람들이 사회적 거리를 유지하고 코로나-19의 확산에 대항하는 세계적인 싸움에 참여하기를 권장합니다. 그동안 여러분이 느낄 수 있는 모든 코로나 바이러스에 대한 불안과 스트레스를 다루는 해소 방법을 보시려면 여기를 클릭해 주시기 바랍니다.
코로나-19에 대한 자세한 내용은 cdc.gov.과 같은 자료를 참고해 주시기 바라며 저희는 모든 사람들이 안전하고 유용한 정보들을 얻을 수 있기를 바라며 건강하고 단결된 공동체로써 아일랜드 스파 & 사우나에서 스트레스를 풀 수 있기를 희망합니다.
손님들의 건강을 기원하며,
아일랜드 스파 & 사우나
UPDATED: 3/12/2020
With new information being presented about the outbreaks of coronavirus and the flu and with the appearance of cases in the immediate New York and New Jersey area, we are updating our procedures and adding some new ones to further protect our guests and our employees in this tough time.
Due to the State of Emergency that has been put in place by the state government, and the WHO's declaration of a pandemic, we will be shortening our hours and removing overnight stays on Fridays and Saturdays beginning March 16th, 2020 until further notice. Opening hours will also be affected - we will now be opening at 9AM. Our new business hours every day will be 9AM to 12AM. This will allow our staff more time to deep clean right before opening and after closing, and for both guests and employees, less outdoor exposure time.
Winter Spa Specials and Valentine’s Day Package expiration dates have also been extended to May 31st, 2020. Pre-paid admission passes expiring between March 2020 and May 2020 will be extended to expire in July 2020.
Additionally, while we can't track the travel history of all of our guests, we are also endorsing the WHO and CDC's recommendation to anyone who plans on traveling domestically within affected areas or internationally, to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival back into the US for the safety of themselves and others.
As always, the Island team is closely monitoring the situation, and following necessary protocols and recommendations by health officials so that all of our guests can remain safe and healthy. Again, we thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and will continue to strive to bring you the best possible spa experience, and for your effort in helping keep the community safe.
The Island Spa Team
코로나바이러스의 발생과 독감에 대한 새로운 정책이 제시되고 뉴욕과 뉴저지 지역에서 사건이 발생함에 따라, 저희는 손님과 직원들을 보호하기 위해 운영 절차를 변경하고자 합니다.
주 정부가 시행한 비상사태와 세계보건기구의 글로벌 전염병 선언으로 인해 2020년 3월 16일부터 시설 운영 시간을 단축하고 추후통보가 있을 때까지 주말(금,토) 24시간 영업을 중지하기로 하였습니다. 운영시간은 매일 오전 9시 부터 밤 12시까지 이며 이를 통해 직원들은 개장 직전과 폐점 직후 청결에 더 신경쓰며 손님과 직원들에게 야외 노출 시간을 줄이기 위함입니다.
또한, 저희가 모든 손님들의 여행기록을 추적할 수는 없지만 세계보건기구와 질병관리본부의 권고에 따라 해외나 내외 든 바이러스 확진자가 많은 곳에서 방문하시는 손님들은 14일 동안 자가격리 하실 것을 부탁드립니다.
아일랜드 스파 & 사우나는 최대한 빠르게 코로나바이러스에 대해 업데이트 중에 있으며 모든 손님들이 안전하고 건강하게 시설을 이용하실 수 있도록 보건 관계자들의 지침과 권고를 따르고 있습니다. 저희는 이런 상황속에서도 최상의 서비스를 제공하도록 최선을 다하고 있으며 여러분들의 협조와 이해에 감사드립니다.
아일랜드 스파 & 사우나
UPDATED: 3/2/2020
To our dear Island Spa guests,
Due to the outbreak of coronavirus and a particularly harsh flu season across the globe, as a business that values the health and safety of all of our guests from the inside out, we wanted to address any concerns about our facility’s safety and reassure guests that Island Spa & Sauna is and has been taking the necessary steps to prevent the spread of disease.
Here is what we have been doing as a team to protect our guests, staff members, and community:
Increase the level and frequency of our cleaning schedule, with some of our housekeeping staff even staying longer to ensure ultimate cleanliness
Adding more hand sanitizer stations throughout the facility
Wipe down all furniture and soft surfaces with Virex (anti-viral solution), wipe down hard surfaces (such as tables) with Stride, and consistently mopping floors
Continue schedule of deep cleanings with anti-bacterials, moldicide, borax scrubs of the bathing areas including: tubs, beach chairs, shower areas and knobs, soap holders, shampoo/conditioner/body wash dispensers, and mats
Tubs are chemically balanced every 2 hours to prevent microorganism growth and maintain sanitary water. The state 2019 Compliance Standard is testing and balancing twice during a business day, but Island Spa & Sauna does this 9 times per business day - 4.5 times the standard.
Uniforms are laundered immediately after guest usage to prevent spread of germs
Encouraged employees (and guests) who feel sick with respiratory symptoms to stay home and see a doctor to be safe
Remind guests that Island Spa & Sauna has the right to refuse entry to guests who are visibly sick or have contagious skin conditions.
Here are ways that you can stay safe!
Avoid contact with others who may be sick
Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes
Stay home if you feel sick
Cover your sneeze or cough with a tissue, then throw it away immediately.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds immediately after using the restroom, blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. In the event soap and water is not immediately available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
Facemasks should only be worn by those who are already showing symptoms, as they will not be effective for those who are well.
We hope that this clears up any fear or confusion - the Island team is monitoring the situation closely and we are doing our best to stay updated and educated on disease prevention! We encourage others to do this as well by using a reputable source such as the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Island Spa Family
아일랜드 스파 & 사우사를 찾아주시는 손님들에게,
전세계적으로 퍼저나가는 코로나 바이러스와 혹독한 독감의 계절로 인해, 손님들의 건강과 안전을 최우선으로 생각하는 비즈니스로써 시설 안전에 대한 우려에 안심시켜 드리고 시설내에 질병의 확산을 막기 위해 필요한 조치를 취하고 있다는 것을 알리고자 합니다.
다음 내용을 고객, 직원 및 주민들을 보호하기 위해 규정으로써 수행해 온 사항입니다.
- 청소 일정의 수준과 빈도를 높이고, 일부 시설 관리 직원들은 최상의 청결을 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
- 시설 내에서 사용 가능하실 수 있도록 손 소독제를 비치하고 있습니다
- Virx라는 항바이러스제로 모든 가구와 표면들을 닦아내고 Stride라는 소독제로 딱딱한 표면(테이블 등)과 바닥을 꾸준히 닦고 있습니다.
- 욕조, 비치 의자, 샤워구역, 손잡이, 비누 홀더, 샴푸/린스/바디 워시 홀더 및 매트를 포함한 목욕 구역의 전체를 깨끗이 소독하고 있습니다.
- 탕의 모든 수질 관리는 매일 2시간씩 감시해 총 9번 실행해 미생물이 자라지 못하도록 하며 지속적으로 균형을 잡음으로써 물의 상태를 최상으로 유지하고 있습니다. 아일랜드 스파 & 사우나는 실제로 주 도시 규정에 대한 것보다 4.5배 더 자주 확인합니다.
- 균의 확산을 방지하기 위해 손님용 유니폼은 사용 후 즉시 소독 세탁합니다.
- 호흡기 증상으로 속이 메스꺼운 직원 및 손님에게는 안전을 위해 집으로 귀가 하거나 의사의 면담을 권합니다.
- 눈에 띄게 아프거나 전염성 피부 질환이 있는 손님에게는 시설 사용을 거부할 권리가 저희에게 있습니다.
다음은 예방에 대한 안전수칙 입니다.
- 호흡기 증상자나 아픈 사람과의 접촉을 피하시기 바랍니다.
- 씻지 않은 손으로 눈, 코, 입 만지지 않습니다.
- 몸이 좋지 않거나 감염 증상이 온다면 외출을 자제하시고 경과를 관찰하며 집에서 휴식하시기 바랍니다.
- 기침이나 재채기를 할 때에는 옷소매나 휴지로 입과 코 가리며 휴지 사용 후 즉시 버립니다.
- 기침, 재채기, 코 풀기, 또는 화장실 사용 후 즉시 흐르는 물에 30초 이상 비누로 손 씻기를 꼼꼼히 하거나 손을 씻지 못할 경우 알코올 손 소독제를 사용해 수시로 씻어주어야 합니다.
- 마스크는 이미 증상이 나타나고 있는 사람들만 착용하기를 권합니다. 감염이 되지 않은 사람들에게는 마스크 사용의 효과가 없기 때문입니다.
저희는 이 정보들을 제공함으로써 감염에 대한 두려움이나 혼란을 겪지 않기를 바랍니다. 또한 저희는 상황을 면밀히 주시하고 있고 질병 예방에 대해 업데이트가 되는 직시 지침과 권고를 따르기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 세계보건기구와 질병관리본부 같은 정보망을 이용해 모든 시민들이 예방 수칙을 잘 따르도록 권장합니다.
UPDATED: 1/6/2020
We have a new policy for expired admission passes from our 10-Admission Pass booklets! Moving forward, we will be able to honor expired passes, but guests will need to pay a small upcharge fee. With the value of the tickets being $29, guests will simply need to pay the difference of that day’s admission. For Monday-Friday (reg. $35), the upcharge will be $6, and on Saturday-Sunday (reg. $40), the upcharge will be $11. We thank all of our guests for their cooperation!